Point Loma and Fort Rosecrans, San Diego

If you have read any of my previous blog posts then you will know that I am particularly partial to the West Coast of America, particularly San Diego and the surrounds.

So I wanted to share some pictures of Point Loma and Fort Rosecrans; the military base in San Diego. I went there this year on a warm and windy day, and visited the thousands of war graves of the men who died to protect America’s liberty. I learned about how the men would have been watching from lookouts in the rugged cliffs to spot for Japanese ships after Pearl Harbor, and I wandered up and down the weathered shoreline of the area.

It was beautiful.

My sister and I  spent a while climbing in the rock pools and fishing in the shallow dips of rock to see what we could find. She is particularly animal minded so was far more patient than me as she watched the crabs and the little fish, and I moved away and found a smooth rock to sit on and watch the shore. It’s where I am my happiest and most relaxed.

I love listening to the water lapping against the stone; slowly eroding it to new shapes and sizes like a person making something out of clay. The wind blew and I thought over what I had learned and cast my mind back to how it must have been for the soldiers who once lived there. nice for a visit, but pretty bleak for life.

If you are ever in the are, take the trip to Point Loma. The bay curves round and you can see Tijuana across the water. The area is calming and still, and a great visit.

About laurahartson

www.sandbetweentoes.wordpress.com Visiting the world one country at a time!!

32 responses »

  1. such cool pics! San Diego is great, have you been to ocean beach?

  2. ANY ROCKCLIMBING? Looks awesome!

  3. Beautiful pictures. 🙂 I like how in the 3rd one the rock looks as if it’s about to fall any minute. 🙂

  4. Spectacular view and ,,,,water!I feel the breeze,,,;)

  5. This looks beautiful. Love the way that rock is balancing on the edge.

  6. I also love the west coast, being from there, but have you ever visited the beaches of the Florida panhandle? Pensacola Beach, a highly under-developed area, has the most gorgeous sugary white sands and water shading from turquoise into green to deep blue-purple. There is a huge national park, Fort Pickens, with no development at all, but for some battlements and ancient cottages, miles and miles of beautiful empty beach.

  7. Nice relaxing pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Those rock formations looked like sculpted art pieces in a museum . Magnificent! Everything about it is a mesmerizing, beautiful vision.

  9. Lovely! We love this area as well…went to San Diego on our honeymoon…

  10. Hello! I just followed your comment on my blog over here and was pleasantly surprised to find your post on Point Loma. I grew up there and have a special fondness for the end of the point. Whenever I go home, I make a point of taking a trip out to the lighthouse. Your photos and thoughts brought it all home. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I really want to visit this neck of the woods! Great post and blog, I’ll be back for many more travel pointers!

  12. You take beautiful pictures. Travel is something I love but really don’t do enough of!

  13. The photos are beautiful! I visited San Diego a few years back and it was amazing.

  14. Awesome! I love the Californian coastline, it is simply so beautiful!

  15. They look like so much fun.. did you get to climb on these rocks? c

  16. Lovely!!! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog – it is definitely a work in progress 🙂 My fiance and I just moved to Vegas 8 months ago, and have visited San Diego. We spent most of our time downtown and at la jolla. would LOVE to check this out next time we make a visit!!! I look forward to checking out your blog!!

  17. My friend just moved to San Diego to do “stuff” for the Marines. I can’t wait to visit and check out Point Loma. This looks beautiful!

  18. wow! incredible! also makes me want to go rock climbing 🙂

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. That shoreline looks really beautiful. I actually work at a historic fort in Canada…interesting to think back to what the people who lived there would have seen on a daily basis.

  20. Laura, your blog is beautiful! I love SD and your post did it justice 🙂 Thanks for your kind comment on my Cancun entry!

  21. Beautiful photos, isolated and tranquil. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Love, love Point Loma: my grandparents lived there for many years and I was lucky enough to visit them every other year or so as a kid. San Diego in general is one of my favorite parts of Southern Cal.

    And Laura, what a FANTASTIC bucket list you have! But take my word for it: you must go and see the Great Wall if you ever wind up in China. Words and pictures truly fail to describe it, at least as far as the Badeling section outside of Beijing is concerned. One of the highlights of my three months in China.

    Thanks for the like, by the way!

  23. Yes, this is the dear and beautiful Point Loma! Love your photos and take on it. It’s hard to describe the peaceful sounds. Wish I were closer to visit more. We did 7 nights in Southern California and went all over. 🙂


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