Beautiful Barcelona

I am a massive fan of the weekend away as it allows you to see the beauty of another country without using up too much annual leave.

And this Spring I booked a little trip to Barcelona as I have a friend who now runs his business from there, and I wanted to visit him.

I went to Barcelona for the first time when I was fifteen on a school trip with my textiles and sewing class; a trip designed to make us think about the composition for our final pieces, how we would make the patterns move and what we would design when it came to the exams.

We visited all the Gaudi works and watched the flow and colour to see if it gave us inspiration, and the class came home and produced some of the most beautiful textile pieces ever. It was a huge success.

So going back was something that I really wanted to do, and I wasnt disappointed.

I got there on the thursday and my friend had to work so I amused myself with doing the touristy thing and pottering around all the sites.

The Sagrada Familia is one of my favourite places, and so I poodled about there a bit by myself before meeting my friend and going to spend the evening in some bars, dining on fantastic little tapas and dancing the night away.

All in all it was a fantastic trip made all the better for seeing my friend, but a place that I would strongly recommend going.

About laurahartson Visiting the world one country at a time!!

27 responses »

  1. Great photos…I love Barcelona!;)

  2. Love Barcelona! I’ve been there twice myself! My favorite breakfast is right by the Arch at this tiny cafe that served little croissants with ham and cheese, I have never had one quite as good!

  3. Barcelona is a beautiful city 🙂 I can’t believe you managed to get a photo of the lizard thing in the Gaudi park without tourists all around it – when I went there a few years ago it was absolutely swamped with people!

  4. Great pics. Barcelona is on my list of places to visit soon. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Beautiful pictures! Great blog!

  6. Barcelona is a place I really would like to visit. Your post and photos make me want to visit there even more! Thank you!

  7. Thanks for stopping by – Barcelona is on my “bucket list” of places to visit

  8. I have always wanted to visit Barcelona. Beautiful photography.

  9. Great pictures, I really want to go to Barcelona one day soon! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  10. Barcelona is one of my favourite cities visited so far. I could definitely see myself living there.

  11. Barcelona is one of my favourite cities in Europe. Ever tried the sailing lessons off Port Olympic? Only 30 euros for 2 hours and you get taught how to sail plus free champagne for passing basic skills! I was very tanned by the end of it and smiling throughout the day! 🙂

  12. I ~adore~ Gaudi! Barcelona was one of my most favorite places to visit… and I’m not even a beach/ outdoorsy person. There is just such a beautiful light over the city! Magical!

  13. the pictures are lovely, I feel I have been there just by looking at them 🙂

  14. I had a good time in Barcelona! The street performers on las rambles were awesome! They make the street performers here in San Francisco look sad! Lol

  15. Love the pictures! I’ve never been to Barcelona but it’s on the ‘to visit’ list!

  16. Wonderful pictures, thanks for reading my blog. I too love Barcelona.

  17. nice pictures – barcelona is definitely on my list of places to visit

  18. Great Photos! Spain is on my top ten to visit list…Only wish I wasn’t an ocean away. Would love to see Gaudi’s work in person. Thanks for sharing, and the “like” 🙂

  19. Muy bonita! Gracias, amiga! Me gusta your blog!

  20. I’ve been to Barcelona three times in the past two years, and each time is a renewed pleasure. Charming city with lots of photographic opportunities. And then there’s that gorgeous Antoni Gaudi architecture! Absolutely love Park Guell.

  21. I haven’t been to this place but via your post, I was able to witness how beautiful Barcelona is. The photos speaks of a wonderful adventures, of breathtaking landscapes. Thanks.

  22. Your lovely photos make me want to hop on a plane to Barcelona! Thank you for sharing with us!

  23. I second the recommendation to Barcelona, I loved the place. I’m so jealous you live somewhere where you can go there for a weekend!


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